We must think past real estate fundamentals in our decision making by, first, asking what might go wrong – our most important consideration – and, second, how to achieve growth for our clients and do so consistently.

It’s our duty to shield what has been entrusted to us as a fiduciary, just as it’s our duty to fully expose risk.
Fulfilling this role, and doing it well, can only be achieved within a well-governed, robust framework that guides all our actions and decisions, as well as our thinking. This frees us to move with confidence, as we place doing the right thing by our clients at the centre of what we do and how we do it.
Our Governance beliefs and practices are refined and embedded over decades of investing.
Risks exist and need to be exposed
All of our people are regularly trained to maintain a high standard of knowledge of, consistent competence towards and compliance with the regulations.
Risks are dynamic and evolve
Our compliance manual & related policies are updated at least annually.
Controls are repeatable and embedded
Key Operating Manual containing guidance, templates, standard agreements and investment reporting.
Processes are challenged
Internal checks and balances through our clearly mandated Investment Committees, comprising multiple perspectives from around the business.
Extensive corporate oversight with annual risk and control testing.
We’re also a participating member of INREV.

It’s not only our regulatory position, but also our approach to excellence in data and security that helps to make us worthy of the trust that’s placed in us.
Strong cyber security practices demonstrate our commitment to this, and we hold the Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation which is annually assessed. Our offices are all protected by layer-7 firewalls and remote devices are protected by a centrally managed, best in class Anti-Virus and monitoring solution.
These measures are just a few examples of our robust infrastructure management and maintenance, to support our commitment to align with our clients’ best interests.